How to get Leads to my Real Estate Business


Getting quality leads to talk to about Real Estate has always been a challenge. Sure I do the networking thing around town, join meet up groups, open houses, ask for referrals from past and current clients and all the other paid advertising methods available. A typical Realtor will spend around 15% of their Real Estate income in paid advertising alone not to mention the other fees associated with being a professional Realtor.Call it investing in your business which is a must as much as education about your business.

Bottom line is there are thousands of Realtors doing the same techniques and it is the agent who stands out that becomes most successful. The concept known as branding is critical to become the  Go to Realtor in your area.  So knowing this, which does not take a rocket scientist to understand, makes the challenge to Realtors ” A Numbers Game”. The more people who know who you are, sees you as a leader and trusts you the better.

Now, I have been doing the Real Estate Business for over 16 years so experience and service for my clients is not an issue. I have learned over the years word of mouth gets you the best qualified leads,which costs nothing, but that alone does not support the Numbers Game issue. I have also understood the concept of Attraction Marketing which for those who don’t recognized this term, is when your prospects seek you out and want to do business with you. I  was never good at the used car salesman approach, you know… when you are outside looking at a car and out of the blue you are blindsided by a salesman in your face. That’s not me and probably not you either nor should you be using that approach. Instead promote yourself (Branding), give free value to prospects and attract them to you, ask them the right questions and be that person that provides their Real Estate solutions.

This brings me to what my dilemma was…… Having the experience and practicing attraction marketing techniques was great. Planting the seed, cultivating the prospect and harvesting the financial rewards works but like I said a few times, in order to take my business to the next level I had to conquer the numbers game (my dilemma).

SO, I research hard for my solution, because that’s what I do. Here is what I found and I will now share it with you because when you market, literally the world, the Numbers Game pool so huge the competition concern is no longer a problem. If I can help other Realtors, or any other entrepreneurs for that matter, I will have the satisfaction of giving back which has always been a personal value of mine. Remember when I said above, give value, well here’s another way I can. During my researching I came across a company called MLSP which uses attraction marketing to attract struggling entrepreneurs that needed more leads for their business.Kind of ironic to see these letters as it almost looks like MLS which we use everyday. At first I thought it was for MLM people but then I saw it would work for any business so I had a lot of questions. I found this link that I will share with you that had some Q&A of what was MLSP and how could it work for my business. I found this on a social media site which you will see the post below.


So my call to action for those of you who also want to take your business to the next level is to market your brand online as well as doing the normal around town stuff we Realtors do in order to be a player in the “Numbers Game”. Check out like I did watch the Q&A short videos and see for yourself. If it looks good to you like it did for me then contact this Attraction Marketing leader,Donna in MLSP and tell her you are interested in becoming an MLSP member. It’s not a MLM company although they do have an affiliate program that you can join for free and make some additional income.

Good luck and my best wishes for your branding growth. If you found value for this blog post… please leave me a comment and if you have any questions about MLSP….well that’s what the link is for.





About Mickey McMahon

Like me you probably were promised a better way of life. Go to school… get good grades…get a college education.. get hired by a great company…work for them until retirement and retire with a lifestyle that one would be proud of. That would mean living where you want to live and doing the things you want to do, when you want and with whom you want. Well that's exactly what I did. My dream was to become a commercial pilot so that's what I did. After years of service what I found out was I had to live where the job was, I had to ask for time off to do the things I wanted to do and was paid what they said I should be paid. Not exactly the “American Dream”, is it? When looking forward to the road to retirement I saw obstacles in front of me that I couldn't control. So who's dream was I actually building? The reality is, you like me are worth much more then what a “job” can offer us and by working for someone else we are actually building someone else's dreams and not ours. Time off is something we have to ask for to be with family and income at retirement is typically 40% of the income we couldn't afford to live on while working and that's assuming the company kept employing you to retirement. I am sure you would agree….we live in a different employment world then those of years past. Just take a look at where technology and automation and outsourcing has taken us. “Job” security is not so assured now a days. So… a while back I woke up and said NO I'm not doing this anymore. Time to take my life back and make my own destiny for me and my family. So I started by becoming an entrepreneur, invested in me, worked hard and haven't looked back since. I started in Real Estate and opportunities that provided residual income then invested profits into additional income streams.Today my life looks much brighter and I am very thankful for those who showed me opportunities and educated me on the correct way to build my businesses. Today you are probably realizing the same struggles and frustrations I did a while back. Now my passion and mission is to help as many entrepreneurs I can, realize the lifestyle they seek and deserve. Today I am offering that opportunity to you by offing you the solutions and tools to solve whatever is stopping you from reaching your dreams.
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