6 Fun And Effective Ways to Keep Your Client Relationships Strong

6 Fun And Effective Ways to Keep Your Client Relationships Strong 

I have always used Facebook to stay connected with my prospects and past clients as well as picking up the 1000 lb telephone that we have gotten away with over the years when email and texting has become common place. But how else can you engage and stay engaged without it seeming pitchy. You might have tried every trick in the book to nurture your relationship with clients — drip campaigns bringing them valuable tips and tricks on home buying, selling or just sprucing up their home for their own pride of home ownership. Maybe you have used direct mail, holiday cards, calendars, recipe cards or even those cheesy magnets — to name a few. What else can you pull out of your hat that will be both memorable and professional and even fun for all? Using your social media accounts, laptop and smartphone, there are number of ways you can stay in touch with clients to be engaging and even entertaining.

Here are 6 unusual but effective fun ways to keep your client relationships alive. Remember the 80/20 rule when connecting….you know… I have said it before 80% value and 20% business.

1. Play words with friends

Build your database and your vocabulary at the same time. Invite clients to play Words With Friends through your Facebook business page. The two-player word-building game is free and works a lot like Scrabble, so it’s easy to learn. Each player gets a push notification when it’s their turn to lay down a word and you can play up to 30 games at one time. That’s 30 clients you can keep in regular touch with; an in-game chat feature lets you carry on the conversation beyond the game.

2. Play phone games

There are dozens of games you can play with others using your smartphone: Years ago as kids we use to make prank calls but that’s a no no now. Today we have come a long way using technology. Now we can use our smartphones and play Trivia, puzzles, quizzes,family-feud brain teasers — and more debut every week. Know a pinball wizard? Connect with them through an arcade game. Have a lot of cerebral types in your database? Challenge them to go head-to-head on a strategy game. Did you help close a sale for a client who had an eagle eye for the details? Invite them to test their skills against yours on photo comparisons. The variety of game types that are available makes it easy to find one that a client would enjoy.

3. Snapchat stories

How many times have you wished you had a way to capture behind-the-scenes moments that illustrate your life as a real estate agent, and then share your story with clientsnapchat-storiess? Snapchat stories are a great opportunity to do just that: Stories are compiled from Snaps (photos and videos) that you took over a 24-hour period and added to My Story. You can add as many Snaps to your Story as you want, but keep in mind a Story only lasts 24 hours (individual Snaps self-destruct after mere seconds). Each Snapchat Story is a visual diary that allows you to connect with viewers by giving them a chance to live a few moments of your life with you.
4. Share Spotify playlists

There are any number of scenarios where music helps to set a mood — tackling a to-do list, prepping a home to show it, working out, waking up, falling asleep — and you can use Spotify to compile playlists, and then share them with others. Is your local ruspotifysh hour
traffic a bear? Put together a playlist that takes your mind off the gridlock. Want to hit the right note for hot summer nights or cold winter evenings? Gather your favorite songs to set the mood for beach bonfires or crackling hearths. Spotify makes it easy to curate a playlist for any occasion and then share it as a unique way to connect with clients.

5. Play Fantasy sports leagues

The great thing about inviting clients to participate in a fantasy sports league ifantasylogo_s that you can do it any time of year and for any sport. Depending on the definition and legality of online gaming in your state, fans can play for real money or simply for bragging rights. Online fantasy sports leagues are simple to join and offer many contests with minimal entrance fees, so nearly anybody you think would be interested in playing can start right away. Track your teams against your invitees’ teams, and keep in touch with everyone through the fantasy sports league’s website or mobile app.
6. Connect with a fitness tracker

Be a virtual workout buddy and keep yourself and your clients on track with fitness goals. Plan regular check-ins, share encouraging posts and even spark friendly competitions among your clients. Wearable technology makes it even easier to track and share results.



While it can be a challenge to find relevant ways to keep your client relationships active after a transaction or even cultivating a prospect for a transaction, it’s an unavoidable task if you want to garner a sale, a listing, a referral and the ultimate… return business. Supplement your postcard or drip campaigns with games, visual storytelling or a shared fitness experience. You’ll not only have a way to stay in regular contact with real estate clients, you might even gain a reputation as “the fun one.”

I hope you found some value in this post and I would love to hear some of your innovative ideas of how to stay in front of your clients and prospects using a fun approach. Remember the goal here is to earn or continue to earn the know, like and trust factor which is key to making your business grow.



About Mickey McMahon

Like me you probably were promised a better way of life. Go to school… get good grades…get a college education.. get hired by a great company…work for them until retirement and retire with a lifestyle that one would be proud of. That would mean living where you want to live and doing the things you want to do, when you want and with whom you want. Well that's exactly what I did. My dream was to become a commercial pilot so that's what I did. After years of service what I found out was I had to live where the job was, I had to ask for time off to do the things I wanted to do and was paid what they said I should be paid. Not exactly the “American Dream”, is it? When looking forward to the road to retirement I saw obstacles in front of me that I couldn't control. So who's dream was I actually building? The reality is, you like me are worth much more then what a “job” can offer us and by working for someone else we are actually building someone else's dreams and not ours. Time off is something we have to ask for to be with family and income at retirement is typically 40% of the income we couldn't afford to live on while working and that's assuming the company kept employing you to retirement. I am sure you would agree….we live in a different employment world then those of years past. Just take a look at where technology and automation and outsourcing has taken us. “Job” security is not so assured now a days. So… a while back I woke up and said NO I'm not doing this anymore. Time to take my life back and make my own destiny for me and my family. So I started by becoming an entrepreneur, invested in me, worked hard and haven't looked back since. I started in Real Estate and opportunities that provided residual income then invested profits into additional income streams.Today my life looks much brighter and I am very thankful for those who showed me opportunities and educated me on the correct way to build my businesses. Today you are probably realizing the same struggles and frustrations I did a while back. Now my passion and mission is to help as many entrepreneurs I can, realize the lifestyle they seek and deserve. Today I am offering that opportunity to you by offing you the solutions and tools to solve whatever is stopping you from reaching your dreams.
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